Emotional dysregulation
- Gets frustrated easily and doesn’t know how to manage their emotions.
- Impulsive, has big tantrums or outbursts.
-Struggles to calm themselves down.
-Struggles managing anxiety and stress.
Sensory processing difficulties
-Touches people/ objects to the point of annoying them.
-Displays need to touch everything.
-Pursues movement to the point it interferes with daily routine.
-Takes movement or climbing risks that are unsafe.
-Holds hands over ears to protect them from sound.
-Needs heavy blankets to sleep.
-Puts objects in mouth ie hands, pencils.
-Limits self to certain food textures.
Executive function skills
-Becomes upset with new situations or changes.
-Trouble concentrating and remaining focused on tasks, schoolwork, etc.
-Resists or has trouble accepting a different way to solve a problem.
-Underestimates time needed to finish tasks.
-Starts assignments at the last minute.
-Has trouble carrying out the actions needed to reach goals
-Has trouble staying organized or forgets items frequently
-Can not sustain attention or focus.
Self-care skills
-Struggles to get dressed and out the door on time.
-Struggles to tie shoes.
-Struggles to button, zip and snap fasteners.
-Struggles brushing teeth and flossing.
Social skills
-Struggles to interpret body language or facial expressions.
-Struggles to make and keep friends.
-Struggles with social gatherings.
-Talks at the wrong time.
-Gets caught up in details and misses the big picture.
-Struggles taking turns and sharing.
Fine motor skills
-Poor grasp and dexterity.
-Poor handwriting.
-Poor ability to manipulate objects in their hand.
-Struggles using a scissor.
Personal growth & development
-Improve confidence and self-esteem.
-Improve mental resiliency and overcoming set-backs.
-Improve mental flexibility.
-Becoming a leader.
-Goal setting.
-Choose and maintain a positive attitude.